

Connecting the Dots . . .

                  In-Depth Bible Teaching - Acts 17:11

"...in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily,

whether those things were so." Acts 17:11

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Index - under construction

Prophecy Studies

    Waiting for Christ's 2nd Coming

    Olivet Discourse Study

    Earthly Kingdoms of History

    Daniel's 70 weeks

    When will Christ be King?

Spiritual Battles

Current Church Trends

Q&A - Let God Speak

The Sovereignty of God

    Seen in Ezekiek 38 & 39

    God's Thrones - Glory, Grace,  &       


Visions of God - Studies in Ezekiel

Inter-Testament History - 400-years of Silence

Introduction to the Inter-Testament History

           Preparing the World for Christ's 1st Coming

#1 - God's Progression of Kingdoms, pt. 1

#2 - God's Progression of Kingdoms, pt. 2

#3 - Just before the 400 years of Silence, pt. 1

#4 - Just before the 400 years of Silence, pt.2

#5 - Prepare Ye the Way

#6 - The Development of Post-Exilic Israel's


#7 - The Great Transformation of Jewish Life -

                                  Ezra the Man - coming soon

#8 - The Rise of the Samaritans, pt. 1 -

                                                          coming soon

#9 - The Rise of the Samaritans, pt. 2

                                                          coming soon

#10 - The Six People Groups of Israel - Scribes,

                           Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes,

                 Zealots, Common Folks - coming soon

#11 - The Ptolemies & the Septuagint (LXX)

#12 - Alexander the Great

#13 - Antiochus Epiphanies & Hanukkah

Special Class - Was the World Waiting for the


The Thrones of God in History

   God's Throne of Glory

   God's Throne of Grace

   God's Throne of Judgment - coming

   God's Throne of the Kingdom - coming

   God's Thrones of Eternity in the New

                                       Heaven and Earth