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Holding Fast to Dispensationalism
Pastor George Zeller
In this video, well-known Bible teacher, George Zeller presents an excellent background on the tension between Reformed Theology and Dispensational Theology. In the first half of the video he discusses the major criticism of Dispensationalism, and dispels the "Dispensational Derangement Syndrome" common among today's Reformed Bible teachers.
In the second half he covers the key Fruits of Dispensationalism.
This and Part 2 are excellent background in understanding the tensions between Reformed teachers and Dispensationalists.
[Please note, the camera shaking ends after the first three minutes of video - sorry for it]
Part 2 will cover the causes of the decline in Dispensationalism.
In Part 2, widely known Bible teacher, George Zeller dramatically demonstrates the significance difference between the consistent biblical interpretation of dispensationalism verses the inconsistent biblical interpretation of Reformed/New Calvinist's. He then discusses the consequences on modern Christianity that have come as a result of inconsistent interpretation; such as a misunderstanding of the Israel-Church distinction, the rise of Neo-Evangelicialism and New Calvinism, the destruction of dispensational schools, the loss of understanding of God's plan for history, and much more. In this video, he references significant theological papers and we note that they are available at website.
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