

Connecting the Dots . . .

                  In-Depth Bible Teaching - Acts 17:11

"...in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily,

whether those things were so." Acts 17:11

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Video/Audio Podcasts Index

Prophecy Series

Olivet Discourse - Pt 1 - 6

Rise of the Antichrist - Pt 1 & 2

Tumbling of Calvin's Eschatology

Tumbling of Calvin's TULIP

Current Church Trends

Why Seminaries Fail!

The Decline of Churches

Feasts of the Lord Introduction

Olivet Discourse - Pt 1 - 6

Olivet Discourse - Pt 1 - 6

Olivet Discourse - Pt 1 - 6

Knowing the Will of God - Parts 1 & 2

Olivet Discourse - Pt 1 - 6

Olivet Discourse - Pt 1 - 6

Olivet Discourse - Pt 1 - 6

Olivet Discourse - Pt 1 - 6

Olivet Discourse - Pt 1 - 6

Olivet Discourse - Pt 1 - 6

Olivet Discourse - Pt 1 - 6