Part 2 - Determining the Start of the Seventy-Week Prophecy in History
Millennium 101
Part 2 - Determining the Start of the Seventy-Week Prophecy in History
Before solving the mystery of the 75-day gap of Daniel 12, the starting date of the Seventy-Weeks prophecy of Daniel 9:25 must be determined.
In this video, Dr. Congdon determines that date date on which the prophetic history begins. This determination depends upon finding the correct king's decree that fits the three conditions described in Daniel 9:25.
Four possible biblical decrees are considered and it is found that only one meets the conditions of the prophecy.
Once knowing the decree's date, Dr. Congdon determines the length of a biblical month and year in order to know when the fulfillment of Daniel 9:25 will occur. Interestingly, a recent archeological find adds support to this prophecy.
3:12 Determining the start date in history of the Seventy-Week prophecy of
Daniel 9
9:31 Determining the king's decree that was used by God to begin the
fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel 9
17:37 God's prophetic clock is perfectly accurate
19:37 Determining how many days in a biblical month and year.